Bossy Pants is a female clothing company that offers customers the option to purchase entire outfits, styled by Bossy Pants, and individual items. Bossy Pants’ outfits are styled for working women, mothers and daughters, the fashion diva and the shopping enthusiast. Bossy Pants understands the difficulty women face in trying to balance their everyday life and being fashionable.


Bossy Pants understands that online shopping can turn into hours of browsing for only one item and shopping centres can often be overwhelming or inconvenient. Bossy Pants understands that women may be limited by budgets, but, that their outfits shouldn’t be. Bossy Pants offers customers the Bossy Pants Balance - good quality clothing for a good price.


Bossy Pants wants women to look and feel like a BOSS, because, when women feel this way, they not only raise their own self-worth and confidence, but, the self-worth and confidence of other women around them.
Bossy Pants is bossy. Bossy Pants is woman. Bossy Pants is you.